Neurosurgery is not only associated with brain surgery. It is the surgery of the entire nervous system. The department of Neurosurgery is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of disorders which affects the Brain, Spine and Peripheral Nerves. This medical speciality includes Brain surgeries varying from intracranial tumours, skull base surgery, epilepsy surgery, endoscopic surgery to hydrocephalus surgery.
Degenerative spine conditions such as degenerative disc, herniated disc, spinal arthritis and spinal stenosis result in the a breakdown of function and normal structure of spine over a period of time. These can be treated with the help of surgery.
On the other hand traumatic-related spine conditions occur from a series of events such as accidents, sports injuries and falls.Most cases of these spine conditions are treated with surgeries for spine tumours, spinal injuries and fractures and key hole surgeries.
Dr Adarsh Hospital is best neuro surgeon hospital in Amritsar and have best neuro surgeon in Amritsar, Punjab, we also provided the facility of spine surgery in our hospital. Our doctors will detect the problem and then they will provide the proper treatment to the patient.
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